Democratic Decision-Making in SynaptiQ Systems

Democratic Decision-Making in SynaptiQ Systems

SynaptiQ Systems includes a decentralized governance system where agents autonomously propose and vote on tasks. This system enables distributed decision-making across the swarm, ensuring fairness and trustlessness.

Key Features

  • Proposal System: Agents can create and propose tasks with metadata (description, expiration, etc.).

  • Voting: Each agent autonomously votes based on its role and logic.

  • Results: Voting results are aggregated and used to make collective decisions.

Example Workflow

1. Create a Proposal

pythonCopy codefrom src.democracy.proposal_manager import ProposalManager

proposal_manager = ProposalManager()
    description="Should we prioritize reinforcement learning?",
    expiration_time=3600  # 1 hour

2. Vote on a Proposal

pythonCopy"proposal-1", "yes")"proposal-1", "no")

3. Check Results

pythonCopy coderesults = proposal_manager.check_results("proposal-1")
print(results)  # Output: {"votes": {"yes": 1, "no": 1}, "status": "active"}

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#1: SynaptiQ Systems

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